Inspiration vs obsession: view your role models the rational way

Inspiration vs obsession: view your role models the rational way

Do you have a role model? Someone who exemplifies what you would want to achieve? Great! It’s good to have something to aspire to. But… make sure it’s healthy inspiration, not obsession that will eventually burn you out or lead you down the wrong path. Here’s how not to lose yourself in today’s world of…

Do it the right way: all-round fitness vs a six-pack

Do it the right way: all-round fitness vs a six-pack

Do you exercise, keep fit? Yes? Great! Let’s make sure you do it for the right reasons. (If you answered no and you are reading this, make sure you start moving nevertheless of this post!). What do I mean by the right reason? It comes down to a functional, healthy and versatile body vs. ripped…

Can you get rid of the grass is greener syndrome?

Can you get rid of the grass is greener syndrome?

We’ve explored what is the grass is greener syndrome, how to deal with it and what areas of life it impacts. But here’s the million dollar question – can you actually get rid of it? Can you learn or train yourself to overcome the GIG syndrome? The good news – it is possible to limit…

3 reasons why the “regrets of the dying” are misleading you + how to avoid that
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3 reasons why the “regrets of the dying” are misleading you + how to avoid that

Have you heard about the top X regrets of the dying? Very motivational right? Spend more time with close ones, take care of your self, don’t work so much etc. Makes sense, because we humans know what we want and have no biases or fallacies. Especially when on the death bed and very old… But…

How to limit the impact of “Grass is always greener syndrome” by closing some doors

How to limit the impact of “Grass is always greener syndrome” by closing some doors

We have never lived in a more free world than today. Unlimited options and life possibilities wherever you look. Do you also find yourself ruminating many of them, not being able to decide? This is a new age problem, part of the “grass is always greener on the other side” family and this post is…

What is the grass is greener syndrome and how to deal with it?

What is the grass is greener syndrome and how to deal with it?

Ever feel like your life could be better? Passing people on the street and thinking that some element of their life is better than yours, that you’re missing something? Seeing people that seem prettier than your partner? Seeing other jobs or careers as better than yours? Many of us feel this way – that there…

How to stay sane and happy – in bullet points – if you prefer short and to the point writing :)
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How to stay sane and happy – in bullet points – if you prefer short and to the point writing :)

expect shit will happen in life, accept it but don’t dwell on it. There’s a fine line between chronic cynism/pesimism and rational/informed cynism. Example: learning useful self-defence techniques proactively is good. Being paranoid all the time, that you might get mugged and letting that limit your life is bad. know that things take time. Longer…

Podcast – Divergent goals: Keep going efficiently: Tips on how to set goals – smart

Podcast – Divergent goals: Keep going efficiently: Tips on how to set goals – smart

For those of you, who prefer to listen than to read 🙂 This episode explores goal setting and how to do it in a way that allows you to rest, but still be productive. Avoiding burn out and those days on the sofa with bad food and TV series whilst keeping on going and working…

Progress with Momentum: Strategies for Effective Goal Setting

Progress with Momentum: Strategies for Effective Goal Setting

You know those days, when you just really, really don’t feel like sticking to your exercise plan? Or working hard on your latest project to get it off the ground? We all have those days. Some less, others more. But there’s no need to stress about them – if you plan your goals the right…

How to live longer through 5 habits – latest research-backed information
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How to live longer through 5 habits – latest research-backed information

Would you like to live longer, without any high-tech, futuristic nano-bot or chemical interventions to your body? It is no longer a science-fiction story, tantamount to an AI taking over the world. It is something you can influence yourself just by adopting a few good regular habits. Read on to find out which ones.

Overcome obstacles in your life: the nature’s way – proven by Earth’s history
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Overcome obstacles in your life: the nature’s way – proven by Earth’s history

Are you facing any obstacles right now? I bet you do – there’s hardly a day in life without an obstacle. Some are small, others are big. You won’t avoid facing some of them – they are a part of life. In this post, we’ll talk about how you can overcome obstacles easier – by…

Do this one thing for a happier life: aim for balance (3 steps to get you there)
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Do this one thing for a happier life: aim for balance (3 steps to get you there)

What do you aim for in life? Career? Financial freedom? Freedom of time? Happy family? Leaving a legacy behind? Having a peaceful and blissful life? You want to achieve your goals – great. You work hard on that, even better. But you also want to have a stress-free, peaceful and relaxed life, correct? Perfect. Have…

The unexpected benefits of 16/8 intermittent (circadian rhythm) fasting

The unexpected benefits of 16/8 intermittent (circadian rhythm) fasting

Intermittent fasting is being endorsed by fitness instructors, bloggers and scientists around the world. This post isn’t about its many great direct benefits (more efficient fat burning, especially the even less healthy belly fat, cellular waste removal, cardiovascular system protection and potential lifespan improvement – not bad huh?), but about additional, unexpected benefits of intermittent fasting. source:…

Productive laziness: creative whirlwind – activate it at the right time

Productive laziness: creative whirlwind – activate it at the right time

You know that creative whirlwind that prevents you from falling asleep at night? When you get so many good ideas that you have to write them down? They come at you out of nowhere, just from letting your mind wander. It is a very useful thing. Many great ideas came to life during this time….

Benefits of walking every day: stay fit, happier and more creative

Benefits of walking every day: stay fit, happier and more creative

You want to be fit and healthy right? Who doesn’t? You also probably don’t want to work too hard for it or don’t have the time or money. Well, here’s a quick fix for you – you can still maintain a good level of health just by doing one simple thing, regularly – walking. Or…

Best way to invest money: 3 steps you wish you knew at 20

Best way to invest money: 3 steps you wish you knew at 20

The journey towards financial wisdom is a painful one, mostly. It involves exploring various available forms of investing, then deciding which ones are worth your time and money, then learning as much as you can about them and finally trying them out. Oh, and the “most enjoyable” last step in the process of establishing the…
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One change will make your worries seem much smaller: How to stop worrying

A few days ago, I sat in a discussion group, the topic of which isn’t relevant here, but one of its conclusions is. Somehow, 13 different people from all backgrounds, levels of success in life, varying levels of happiness, partner and/or family situation, financial situation, all had one thing in common – we all had…

Nature or nurture: Do some have a predisposition for success whilst others don’t?

Nature or nurture: Do some have a predisposition for success whilst others don’t?

If you are into self-improvement, you’ve probably read a few books with inspirational stories – stories of people achieving success/happiness against great odds. In fact, in the last 10 – 15 years, even if you are not into self-improvement, you are bombarded with images and stories of people, who “made it” – in one way…

How to be more productive: get more -right- things done – 4 everyday steps

How to be more productive: get more -right- things done – 4 everyday steps

Do you find yourself often planning and then watching the plan fall apart? Or chasing your tail being busy, but not actually achieving anything substantial? Yeah, it’s very easy to fall into this downward spiral. You feel like you are doing lots of work, but at the same time wonder how to be more productive? In…

How to start a business that lasts in 4 key steps

How to start a business that lasts in 4 key steps

You might be amongst the growing group of people, who want to start their own business. Be your own boss. You also want that business to last, to grow and evolve. You wouldn’t want to waste your time on something that will make some money and then become useless, dated, forgotten right? Ok, we are…

Four must-have tools in a healthy office – simpler than you think!

Four must-have tools in a healthy office – simpler than you think!

Let’s keep things simple. Of course there are tons of tools, office furniture and equipment that you can buy and have lying around in your office. You can spend tons of money and have the latest gadgets. But you can also keep things simple, do it sensimly, and apply the pareto rule: 80/20. Get 80%…

Cultivate good relationships through sensimism – grow them like a forest

Cultivate good relationships through sensimism – grow them like a forest

Or in other words, how nature does it. Let’s explore the makings of a good relationship – what approach should we take to make our relationships last and be happy and balanced. This article will give you a simple change of perspective, that will make the struggles of daily life easier on you. What is…

The grass is always greener … on which side?
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The grass is always greener … on which side?

Do you ever find yourself thinking “Is this the right decision?” or “There are other alternatives that seem better?”. Do you look at other people and think you would be happier, if you just had their life (job, car, spouse, money)? Then you’re thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side. You…