3 reasons why the “regrets of the dying” are misleading you + how to avoid that
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3 reasons why the “regrets of the dying” are misleading you + how to avoid that

Have you heard about the top X regrets of the dying? Very motivational right? Spend more time with close ones, take care of your self, don’t work so much etc. Makes sense, because we humans know what we want and have no biases or fallacies. Especially when on the death bed and very old… But…

Overcome obstacles in your life: the nature’s way – proven by Earth’s history
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Overcome obstacles in your life: the nature’s way – proven by Earth’s history

Are you facing any obstacles right now? I bet you do – there’s hardly a day in life without an obstacle. Some are small, others are big. You won’t avoid facing some of them – they are a part of life. In this post, we’ll talk about how you can overcome obstacles easier – by…

Best way to invest money: 3 steps you wish you knew at 20

Best way to invest money: 3 steps you wish you knew at 20

The journey towards financial wisdom is a painful one, mostly. It involves exploring various available forms of investing, then deciding which ones are worth your time and money, then learning as much as you can about them and finally trying them out. Oh, and the “most enjoyable” last step in the process of establishing the…

How to be more productive: get more -right- things done – 4 everyday steps

How to be more productive: get more -right- things done – 4 everyday steps

Do you find yourself often planning and then watching the plan fall apart? Or chasing your tail being busy, but not actually achieving anything substantial? Yeah, it’s very easy to fall into this downward spiral. You feel like you are doing lots of work, but at the same time wonder how to be more productive? In…