Inspiration vs obsession: view your role models the rational way

Inspiration vs obsession: view your role models the rational way

Do you have a role model? Someone who exemplifies what you would want to achieve? Great! It’s good to have something to aspire to. But… make sure it’s healthy inspiration, not obsession that will eventually burn you out or lead you down the wrong path. Here’s how not to lose yourself in today’s world of…

Can you get rid of the grass is greener syndrome?

Can you get rid of the grass is greener syndrome?

We’ve explored what is the grass is greener syndrome, how to deal with it and what areas of life it impacts. But here’s the million dollar question – can you actually get rid of it? Can you learn or train yourself to overcome the GIG syndrome? The good news – it is possible to limit…

3 reasons why the “regrets of the dying” are misleading you + how to avoid that
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3 reasons why the “regrets of the dying” are misleading you + how to avoid that

Have you heard about the top X regrets of the dying? Very motivational right? Spend more time with close ones, take care of your self, don’t work so much etc. Makes sense, because we humans know what we want and have no biases or fallacies. Especially when on the death bed and very old… But…

How to limit the impact of “Grass is always greener syndrome” by closing some doors

How to limit the impact of “Grass is always greener syndrome” by closing some doors

We have never lived in a more free world than today. Unlimited options and life possibilities wherever you look. Do you also find yourself ruminating many of them, not being able to decide? This is a new age problem, part of the “grass is always greener on the other side” family and this post is…

What is the grass is greener syndrome and how to deal with it?

What is the grass is greener syndrome and how to deal with it?

Ever feel like your life could be better? Passing people on the street and thinking that some element of their life is better than yours, that you’re missing something? Seeing people that seem prettier than your partner? Seeing other jobs or careers as better than yours? Many of us feel this way – that there…

The grass is always greener … on which side?
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The grass is always greener … on which side?

Do you ever find yourself thinking “Is this the right decision?” or “There are other alternatives that seem better?”. Do you look at other people and think you would be happier, if you just had their life (job, car, spouse, money)? Then you’re thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side. You…